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Richard G. Trefry Archives Exhibits

American Public University System’s Richard G. Trefry Archives contain documents and items that represent the history, development, and progress of the institution as its recorded memory.

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The Richard G. Trefry Archives

The American Public University System’s Richard G. Trefry Archives were founded in 2011 in recognition of the University’s 20th anniversary as a means to capture its growing institutional heritage. The Richard G. Trefry Archives consist of physical and electronic records created by APUS and its predecessor institution, American Military University. The archives also house, and will soon begin curating a large manuscript collection detailing the career of retired U.S. Army Lt. General Richard G. Trefry, an APUS board member since 1997. In addition, it holds substantial donations from other influential members of the APUS community and their personal research collections. The archives' collections consist of books, journals, manuscripts, maps, and manuals containing information pertinent to studies in military history, political science, intelligence and global studies.

The Richard G. Trefry Archives Mission:

• Appraise, collect, organize, describe, provide access, and preserve records of historical, legal, fiscal, and administrative value to APUS.

• Serve the information needs of the University and its community.

• Serve research and scholarship needs by making available and encouraging the use of the collection by the APUS community.

• Promote knowledge and understanding of the University’s origin, mission, programs, and goals and how they changed and developed over time.

• Implement records management by formulating policy and procedures that will safeguard the corporate heritage and scholarly legacy of APUS.

Collection Development Policy

Collecting Scope

The Archives seeks to create collections by acquiring university records and related papers. The Archives rely on the cooperation and support of members and friends of the APUS community to ensure that material of historical value is collected and maintained. The collections consist of books, journals, manuscripts, maps, and manuals containing information pertinent to studies in military history, political science, intelligence, and global studies. The Archives seeks to build on current collections.

Collecting Areas

1. University Records

2. Related Records

Donation Forms

Collection Development Policy - The comprehensive collection development policy of the Trefry Archives. Provides an overview of donations and the Archives' donation guidelines.

Deed of Gift Form - Trefry Archives donation form that provides all of the information needed for donating items.


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