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Richard G. Trefry Archives Exhibits

American Public University System’s Richard G. Trefry Archives contain documents and items that represent the history, development, and progress of the institution as its recorded memory.

Browse Items (37 total)

Dr. Wally Boston demonstrating how to use electric/hybrid car charging station
Dr. Wally Boston demonstrating how to use electric/hybrid car charging station

The largest solar array in West Virginia, the APUS Solar Array is a covered parking lot, has 14 charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles, and provides power to the Finance Center.
The largest solar array in West Virginia, the APUS Solar Array is a covered parking lot, has 14 charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles, and provides power to the Finance Center.

Aeriel View of Gray Hall.
APUS bought the property in 2004. Gray Hall is named after longstanding APUS board member General Alfred M. Gray. It was the APUS Academic Building from 2006-2010.

Black and white photo of Gray Hall (120 S George St) before APUS bought the property in 2004. Gray Hall is named after longstanding APUS board member General Alfred M. Gray.<br />
Gray Hall was the APUS Academic Building from 2006-2010.
Black and white photo of Gray Hall (120 S George St) before APUS bought the property in 2004. Gray Hall is named after longstanding APUS board member General Alfred M. Gray.
Gray Hall was the APUS Academic Building from 2006-2010.

Image of Finance Center. The Finance Center opened Sept. 18, 2012. The LEED-certified building was constructed on the site of a former abandoned warehouse. The Center was the second building APUS constructed in Charles Town and neighboring Ranson.
The Finance Center opened Sept. 18, 2012. The LEED-certified building was constructed on the site of a former abandoned warehouse. The Center was the second building APUS constructed in Charles Town and neighboring Ranson.

Image of Etter Hall
Etter Hall, named after APUS first president James Etter, was purchased by the University in 2003. Although there have been many renovations, the original hardwood floors and elevator car remain in the building that currently houses Human Resources.

Etter Hall as Administration Building
Front porch of Etter Hall
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