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Richard G. Trefry Archives Exhibits

American Public University System’s Richard G. Trefry Archives contain documents and items that represent the history, development, and progress of the institution as its recorded memory.

Browse Items (4 total)

Photo of north side of Thomas Green house after APUS restoration
Photo of north side of house after APUS restoration.

Thomas Green House, named after the original owner, attorney and former mayor of Charles Town in the 19th century, was purchased by APUS in 2009. During the restoration process, a live…

Photo of front of Thomas Green house during APUS restoration
Photo of front of house during APUS restoration.

Thomas Green House, named after the original owner, attorney and former mayor of Charles Town in the 19th century, was purchased by APUS in 2009. During the restoration process, a live confederate…

Photo of front of house before APUS restoration for guest quarters, Thomas Green House
Photo of front of house before APUS restoration for guest quarters.

Thomas Green House, named after the original owner, attorney and former mayor of Charles Town in the 19th century, was purchased by APUS in 2009. During the restoration process, a…

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